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An effective school improvement planning process allows Indiana schools to develop a strategic and continuous plan that focuses on quality education and high levels of student achievement. All Indiana public schools and those non-public schools that voluntarily seek accreditation are required to have a school improvement plan. The plan must be submitted to the department by June 30 of the school year prior to the year of implementation.
Strategic and Continuous School Improvement and Achievement Plan
(511 IAC 6.2)- A plan shall lay out objectives for a three (3) year period and must be annually reviewed and revised to accomplish the achievement objectives of the school.
- A plan must establish objectives for the school to achieve. These achievement objectives must be consistent with academic standards and include improvement in at least the following areas:
(1) Attendance rate.
(2) The percentage of students meeting academic standards under the Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+) program.
(3) For a secondary school, graduation rate.
- A plan must specify how and to what extent the school expects to make continuous improvement in all areas of the education system where results are measured by setting benchmarks for progress on an individual school basis.
- A plan must note specific areas where improvement is needed immediately.
A plan must contain the following components for the school:
(1) A list of the statutes and rules that the school wishes to have suspended from operation for the school.
(2) A description of the curriculum and information concerning the location of a copy of the curriculum that is available for inspection by members of the public.
(3) A description and name of the assessments that will be used in the school in addition to Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+) assessments.
(4) A plan to be submitted to the governing body and made available to all interested members of the public in an easily understood format.
(5) A provision to maximize parental participation in the school.
(6) For a secondary school, a provision to do the following:
(A) Offer courses that allow all students to become eligible to receive an Academic Honors Diploma.
(B) Encourage all students to earn an Academic Honors Diploma or complete the Core 40 curriculum.
(7) A provision to maintain a safe and disciplined learning environment for students and teachers.
(8) A provision for the coordination of technology initiatives.
(9) The professional development program should include the following:
(A) A narrative that includes:
(i) A summary analysis of data regarding student learning.
(ii) Strategies, programs, and services to address student learning needs.
(iii) Activities to implement the strategies, programs, and services.
(iv) Evaluation that will be conducted of the impact of the activities.
(B) An assurance that the program complies with the board's core principles for professional development.
(10) The professional development program must be signed by the exclusive representative as an indication of support only for the professional development program component of the plan.
(Note) If, for a purpose other than a plan, a school has developed materials that are substantially similar to the requirements stated above, the school may substitute those materials.
Other Information That Might Be Included in a Plan
In order to have a more complete strategic planning process and a written plan that is free from gaps, a school may include, but is not required to include, additional information, including, without limitation, the following:
(1) A narrative description of the school, the community, and the educational programs.
(2) A statement of mission, vision, and beliefs.
(3) Data, including graphs, from the annual performance report.
(4) Data related to performance indicators other than those included in the annual performance report.
(5) Other information about educational programming and the learning environment.
(6) Information about how the school's curriculum and instructional strategies support the achievement of Indiana academic standards.
(7) Analysis of student achievement based on Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+) and other assessment strategies.
(8) Proposed interventions based on school improvement goals.
Optional Format for the School Improvement Plan
A school may use, but is not required to use, the following format for its school improvement plan:
(1) Introduction, including the following:
(A) Narrative description of the school, the community, and the educational programs.
(B) Description and location of curriculum.
(C) Titles and descriptions of assessment instruments to be used in addition to Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+).
(2) Statement of mission, vision, or beliefs.
(3) Summary of data, derived from an assessment of the current status of educational programming, including the following:
(A) Data, including graphs, from the annual performance report.
(B) Data related to performance indicators other than those included in the annual performance report.
(C) Other information about educational programming and the learning environment.
(4) Conclusions about the current educational programming, derived from an assessment of the current status of educational programming, including the following:
(A) Information about how the school's curriculum supports the achievement of Indiana academic standards.
(B) Information about how the school's instructional strategies support the achievement of Indiana academic standards.
(C) Analysis of student achievement based on ISTEP+ and other assessment strategies.
(D) Parental participation in the school.
(E) Technology as a learning tool.
(5) Student achievement objectives, derived from an assessment of the current status of educational programming, including the following:
(A) Attendance rate.
(B) Percentage of students meeting academic standards under the ISTEP+ program.
(C) For a secondary school, graduation rate.
(6) Specific areas where improvement is needed immediately.
(7) Benchmarks for progress that specify how and to what extent the school expects to make continuous improvement in all areas of the education system.
(8) Academic Honors Diploma and Core 40, including the following:
(A) Provisions to offer courses that allow all students to become eligible to earn the Academic Honors Diploma.
(B) Provisions to encourage all students to earn an Academic Honors Diploma or complete the Core 40 curriculum.
(9) Proposed interventions based on school improvement goals.
(10) Professional development that is coordinated with proposed interventions and that supports sustainable school improvement efforts.
(11) Statutes and rules to be waived.
(12) Three (3)year time line for implementation, review, and revision.
Continuous School Improvement Planning Models and Approved Accreditation Agencies
Locally-Developed Planning Model (Division of Accreditation)-- Schools may use the optional format approved by the State Board of Education or any other format that includes the components required by law. The Department of Education will review the plan to assure that all required components are present. Department approval of plan is not required.
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Education -- The Department of Education will verify participation in Baldrige. Department review of plan is not required.
National and Regional Accreditation Agencies -- The Department of Education will verify accreditation by the agency. Department review of plan is not required.
1. North Central Association (NCA)
2. Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (AASDAS)
3. American Association of Christian Schools (AACS)
4. Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
5. Christian Schools International (CSI)
6. Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS)
Planning Models sponsored by an entity other than an accreditation agency -- The Department of Education will verify participation in the sponsor’s program. Department review of plan is not required.
1. [Indiana] Title 1 Continuous School Improvement Process (SWP/TAS)
2. Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students (C.L.A.S.S.)
3. Effective Schools Strategic Planning for the 21st Century/Phi Delta Kappa
4. High Schools That Work/Southern Regional Educational Board (HSTW/SREB/Indiana DOE)
5. Indiana Essential Schools/IDOE
6. American Student Achievement Institute/American SAI/various Indiana entities (InSAI)
7. Journey to Learning Planning and Performance Program/Indiana University Center for Research on Learning and Technology
8. Koalaty Kid/American Society for Quality (ASQ)
9. PILLARS/Archdiocese of Indianapolis
10. Quality Learning/Langford International
11. School Improvement - Focusing on Student Performance/National Study of School Evaluation (NSSE)
12. The School Portfolio/Education for the Future/Victoria Bernhardt
13. Standard-Bearer District-Wide Model/Center for Leadership in School Reform (CLSR)