Bienvenue à la classe de français!
Je m'appelle Madame Newlin et je suis la prof de français. I have been teaching since 2009, after I earned my bachelor's degree in French and English Education at Milligan College in Johnson City, TN. I began teaching in Tennessee, continued my career in New Orleans, LA and then moved closer to family in Indiana. I teach French 1-6 at Columbus North High School and Northside Middle School.
If you ever have any questions regarding my classroom or program, do not hesitate to email me at newlinh@bcsc.k12.in.us.
Student Resources
DuoLingo is one of the world's best free apps for learning language. Bonus...it is really fun!
Videos, audioclips and articles based on current news from French cultures all around the world designed to help you learn French.
Bonjour de France
Bonjour de France is an « educational website » containing free exercices tests and games to learn French.
Rosetta Stone
Inspire is sponsored by Indiana Libraries. You can get the first level of Rosetta Stone for free.