• Hello ! Welcome to Mr. Parker's Online Science Classroom!

    Name: Mr. Parker
    Email Address: parkerm@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number:

    Thank you for visiting my page. My goal is to keep parents and students  up to date of what is happening in the classroom.
     This year we will be using classroom by Google. Please visit classroom.google.com and enter the access code that I provided you for your class. If you forgot this email me.
    My schedule this year is:
    Periods 1-3 are Biology
    Period 4 is Resource
    Period 5A is Lunch
    Period 5C is Biology
    Period 6 is Prep
    Periods 7 and 8 are Zoology 

    Quick Links
    • Link 1
    • Link 2
    • Link 3
    • Link 4
    • Link 5

    Insert your photo here.