• Our Mission:

    Making lives better by supporting a mindset of achievement for all students regardless of gender, race or socio-economic status.                                                                                                                             


    "The core mission is to educate students to become effective citizens."
    -   National Council for the Social Studies
    An effective Citizen is one who...
    • Has knowledge of our nation's Founding documents, civic institutions, and political process.
    • Embraces core democratic values and strives to live by them.
    • Accepts responsibility for the well-being of oneself, one's family , and the community.
    • Has knowledge of the people, history, and traditions that have shaped our local communities, our nation and the world.
    • Is aware of issues and events that have an impact on people at local, state, national, and global levels.
    • Seeks information from varied sources and perspectives to develop informed opinions and creative solutions.
    • Has the ability to collaborate effectively as a member of a group
    • Actively participates in civic and community life.
                   - Bill of Rights Institute


Last Modified on January 17, 2019