• Columbus East High School

    East Olympian Torch designed by Phil Miller




    University of Dayton Summer Programs
    ENTREPRENEURSHIP 101 – June 17-29

    Rising high school juniors, seniors and first-year college students will learn more about entrepreneurship, the idea-generation process, elevator pitches and more. Through engaging lectures and class activities, site visits and guest speakers, students will have the opportunity to earn three credit hours and compete for up to $10,000 in UD scholarship dollars in an elevator pitch competition — all while living on campus and experiencing life in Dayton.

    Learn more at go.udayton.edu/entrepreneurship101.

    LEADERSHIP 101 – June 17-29

    What makes someone a great leader? Open to rising high school juniors, seniors and first-year college students, this two-week experience will help students gain an understanding of the foundations of leadership, assess their leadership behaviors and preferred leadership style, discover the five practices of exemplary leadership and create a personal leadership development plan. This highly interactive session includes extensive discussion and collaborative exchange of ideas, leadership assessments, class and individual exercises, guest speakers and site visits.

    Learn more at go.udayton.edu/leadership101.

    Duke University Summer Sessions

    The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. Novel technologies proliferate and new fields of inquiry arise seemingly on a daily basis. In today’s exciting and fast-paced world, Duke Summer Session is determined not only to inform you about it, but to transform you into one who envisions, shapes, and delivers the incredible possibilities of tomorrow. Check out this life-changing summer courses:


    Summer College Online – Get ahead this summer and take an engaging course not available to most high school students. At Duke Summer College Online you can learn from a Duke professor without the cost and hassle of travel. By enrolling in our online Medical Neuroscience course, you will earn college credit and take a powerful step forward into a groundbreaking field.


    Summer Academy – With our Global Leader and Technology Entrepreneur courses, we are committed to forming you into a leader of an ever-changing tomorrow. Whichever course you choose, you are sure to be inspired by our interdisciplinary focus, hands-on approach, and transformative curricula.


    Intensive STEM Academy – Experience what it is like to be a pioneering researcher at one of the world’s premier universities. During your intensive week on Duke’s campus, you will take tours at a variety of Duke’s state-of-the-art laboratories, receive dynamic lectures from an array of Duke professors, and participate in workshops designed to propel you forward in the world of STEM.


    Want to enroll in more than one program? You can do that, too! Get even more out of your summer by supplementing your Summer Academy course with our Intensive STEM Academy. Learn more about this and much more on our website.

    Application Deadline is April 9, 2018

    The Business is Global program offers students the opportunity to be transported into a world of international business, language, and culture from around the world. 

    The program is a unique blend of culture, language, and international business learning that will provide students an introduction into the myriad opportunities available in today’s global marketplace. During their two weeks, students will be introduced to:

    • Cultures and business practices from three regions around the world: East Asia, the Middle East & North Africa, and Turkey
    • Less commonly taught languages from three emerging economies: Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, and Turkish
    • Business fundamentals from KSB’s top ranked faculty: including Finance, Operations, Marketing, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and more


    You can follow the journey of the 2017 participants here . Or check out last year's video here.

    Applications are available online their website

    Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies Summer Programs
    Deadlines for summer programs are in February, with some early round deadlines in January. Admission is selective. Limited financial aid is available.
    • Stanford Summer Arts Institute students in grades 9–11 come together for a three-week intensive interdisciplinary arts program offering academically rigorous, hands-on courses in art, visual design, and music.
    • Stanford Summer Humanities Institute students in grades 10 and 11 explore the big questions at the heart of the humanities in seminars led by distinguished Stanford professors during this three-week residential program.
    • Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes allows students in grades 8–11 to engage in single-subject intensive study selected from a wide range of disciplines, and benefit from small class size and academically themed residences.
    • Stanford AI4ALL, formerly SAILORS, invites young women in grade 9 to apply to this three-week residential summer program. Participants learn about topics in AI, partake in ongoing research at Stanford, and receive mentorship from professors, graduate students, and industry professionals.
    • Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) students participate in a highly-selective program centered around lectures, guided research, and group problem solving in advanced math topics. This four-week program is intended for an elite group of talented students in grades 10 and 11.
    • Stanford Pre-Collegiate University-Level Online Math and Physics offers 13 courses throughout the year, including a summer term for high school students, grades 9–12. Students earn Stanford University Continuing Studies credit.
    Learn more about Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies programs here: https://spcs.stanford.edu/programs.
Last Modified on January 31, 2018