• Columbus East High School

    East Olympian Torch
    Any 11th or 12th grade student planning on participating in athletics at the NCAA division 1 or 2 level in college needs to register with the NCAA clearinghouse. The clearinghouse has a new website this year: www.eligibilitycenter.org. Any student who registered last year needs to visit the new website and update their information. Please see your counselor with any questions.
    Learn what steps and requirements to follow.
    It is the student's responsibility to make sure that he/she is taking the necessary required courses to be eligible to play division I or division II sports at the college level.  All students planning to compete at the college level must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.  These links on the left should help you plan this process.
    Earlier this summer, the NCAA Eligibility Center unveiled a new registration Web site for college-bound student-athletes planning to enroll in college fall 2010 and later.  The new Web address is www.eligibilitycenter.org.  The Eligibility Center feels that this new environment will aid you in easily accessing the vital information needed to assist your student-athletes and parents with the registration and academic and amateurism certification processes.  As members of the high school community, you will be able to access your information from the “For High Schools” link.  The process of submitting your school's core courses online will remain the same. 

    Student-athletes that have registered prior to the launch of the new Web site will be required to log into their current account (www.ncaaclearinghouse.net).  The student will be asked to verify his or her e-mail address and select a new password.  The information that the student has previously submitted will carry over to the new account.  However, the student will need to answer additional questions to bring his or her account current.  Once the student has completed the update of his or her account, all information will be accessed and maintained at www.eligibilitycenter.org.  The student will no longer need to go to the old Web site.

    If you know of students who registered in the previous system, or those student-athletes that have asked you to send a six-semester transcript, please inform them of this new process.  Step-by-step instructions for students are provided below.
    College-bound student-athlete’s who have registered with the Eligibility Center under the old Web site (http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.net/) and plan to enroll in college fall 2010 or later will need to have their information transferred to the new Web site (www.eligibilitycenter.org).  In order to start this process, please have the college-bound student-athlete follow the steps below:

    1.        Direct the student-athlete to www.eligibilitycenter.org and to click on the spring 2010 or before link (this will re-direct him or her back to the old Web site);

    2.        Instruct the student-athlete to log in using his or her NCAA ID or SSN and PIN;

    3.        The next page will give the student-athlete instructions to start the transfer process:

    a.   Validate the e-mail address the student-athlete wants the Eligibility Center to use;

    b.   Log in to his or her e-mail account and click the link in the e-mail he or she received and create an account with the Eligibility Center;

    c.   Log in to his or her new account on the new Web site; and

    d.   Finish the incomplete sections of his or her "My Planner" information.

    Should you have any questions concerning the registration of your college-bound student-athletes or locating Eligibility Center information, please refer to the high school resource page, which can be accessed by clicking on "For High Schools" and then logging in as a high school administrator.


    How Should the Eligibility Process Work?

    Grades 9 and 10

     · Student takes academic college-preparatory courses, preferably one in each of the

    following areas: English, math, science, social studies and foreign language. The student

    should compare course selection against the list of NCAA-approved core courses.

    Grade 11

    · Student continues to take college preparatory courses in the areas listed above.

    · Student registers for the SAT and/or ACT, making sure to use code 9999 at the time of

    registration. Using code 9999 will ensure the score is reported directly to the Eligibility


    · Student registers with the NCAA Eligibility Center and completes both the academic

    information and the amateurism questionnaire.

    · At the end of the student’s sixth semester, the guidance counselor sends the student’s

    transcript (or transcripts, if more than one high school) to the Eligibility Center.

    Grade 12

    · Student continues to take college preparatory courses in English, math, science, social

    studies and foreign language.

    · Student registers for additional ACT/SAT tests if necessary, making sure to use code

    9999 at the time of registration.

    · On or after April 1 of the senior year, the student goes back into their Eligibility Center

    account to update their academic and amateurism information and request final

    amateurism certification.

    · After graduation, the guidance counselor sends the student’s final transcript (which needs

    to include evidence and the date that the student graduated) to the Eligibility Center.

Last Modified on September 4, 2014