Heritage Fund Information

  • Heritage Fund InformationOnline applications for all Heritage Fund scholarships are available now. Each scholarship’s criteria is unique. Students should review the scholarship listing online at heritagefundbc.org to familiarize themselves with the types of scholarships available.

    All completed applications must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, January 13, 2017, with the exception of the Brown Music Competition entries. Brown applications must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, December 2, 2016. Competition date: Saturday, February 11, 2017.

     The link to the application website with complete eligibility requirements and a complete listing of scholarships and criteria are available on Heritage Fund's website, heritagefundbc.org.

     Students will apply for the majority of Heritage Fund scholarships using the COMBINED APPLICATION. There are two scholarship selection sections as part of this application where students will click Yes or No for eligibility for each scholarship listed. The basic additional materials required for the Combined Application are an essay, a letter of recommendation and a guidance information request. Some of our scholarships require an additional component (i.e., a second essay or letter of recommendation, a signature to verify club participation, etc.) As students indicate the scholarships for which they are eligible (Scholarship Selection/Scholarship Selection Additional Requirements Sections), any additional materials required will appear in the Request section of their application (i.e. recommendation/signature) or appear below that scholarship’s listing (i.e. additional essay question/essay box).

     REQUEST SECTION  --  Items that must be requested and fulfilled on a student’s behalf (i.e. Letters of recommendation/Guidance Information requests)

    Students must click on each item on the left side and fill in the information (name, email, optional personal note) to the person(s) from whom they are requesting the information. An email will be generated to these individuals with a link into the student's application.  A common question concerns the guidance information request. This is NOT a letter of recommendation but a request that must be sent to a guidance counselor/advisor to verify some academic information (GPA, class rank, etc.) It must still be filled out and submitted like other requests such as recommendations. It is the students' responsibility to monitor the progress of these submitted requests. If necessary, a request can be sent to a new person by clicking on the appropriate item and filling in the new contact information.

    ***Important! All requested material must not only be requested of but SUBMITTED by the persons from whom the requests are made. These items are considered part of a completed application and must be received by the deadline in order for an application to be considered eligible.

    Students are strongly encouraged to make these requests in enough time to allow for their completion and to inform and follow up with the person(s) from whom they are making these requests. As part of the application dashboard, students will see several icons with percentage bars indicating their progress of completion for each section (0 to 100%). For the Request section, students are also able to view a second percentage bar, which will track the progress of these requested items being submitted. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up on these items to ensure they are submitted on time, especially as the deadline is nearing.

    FINANCIAL SECTION -- HFBC partners with the National Center for College Costs to provide families with consistent and accurate estimates of college costs across all Indiana campuses. For financial sections of each scholarship application, students will be directed to the online Indiana College Costs Estimator where they will fill out financial information and have access to comprehensive college admissions, selection and financial aid information for themselves and their families. Students also will receive a free customized, confidential financial Estimator report.


    • Again, the majority of our scholarships that graduating high school seniors will be applying for can be found on our COMBINED APPLICATION. It's a common question --- why are there only 16 scholarships listed on the website? -- these are not the actual scholarships; these are the application forms.
    • If students have applied for the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, they do not need to submit a new Transcript or College Costs Estimator form for any other applications. However, they must still check the Confirm box in the Transcript and Financial sections of any applications they are submitting, indicating they have submitted these items.
    • There is no spellcheck option within the application. Students are strongly encouraged to draft their short answer/essay responses in Microsoft Word in order to spellcheck their answers before copy and pasting into the application fields.
    • THE COMBINED MEDICAL APPLICATIONand HEMINGER GRADUATE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION are open to current or incoming medical school students or grad school students. Graduating high school seniors are not yet eligible for these scholarships.
    • All scholarship recipients, and those not selected, will be notified by email or phone in mid-April.

     Please contact Amy Laker, scholarship manager, with any questions.


Last Modified on September 20, 2016