If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep them at home.
FEVER: temperature of 100 degrees or more, they may return once they are fever free for 24 hours.VOMITING: vomiting two or more times in 24 hoursDIARRHEA: two or more episodes of diarrhea in the last 24 hoursEYES: thick mucus or pus draining from the eye or pink eye (conjunctivitis)No return until 24 hours after beginning antibiotic eyedropsHEAD LICE: may not return to school until they have been treated and seen by the nurse.SKIN: unknown rashes or skin lesions (open sores)**If your child is diagnosed with strep throat, staph infection, mono, conjunctivitis, fifth’s disease, chicken pox or any other communicable disease, please report this to the school nurse as soon as possible.