Officer Eric Stevens - CNHS SRO

  • CPD 159



    Eric Stevens, our North HS Student Resource Officer (SRO), is here to improve school safety and to provide police services.  He will spend some of his time developing relationships with students so the students have someone else to speak with about personal problems or answer any legal questions.  His office is in the main office area.

    Eric Stevens had served as a detective with the Columbus Police Department and served as a juvenile probation officer before joining the Columbus Police Department in 1999.  Stevens completed the SRO training by the National Association for School Resource Officers in December 2014.

    The School Resource Officer program (SRO) is a nationally accepted program involving the placement of a law enforcement officer within the educational environment. The officer, while in school, is involved in a variety of functions aimed at prevention. Besides being an active high profile law enforcement officer, the SRO is a resource for students, parents, teachers and administration regarding law issues. Another duty for the SRO is being a link to other service agencies which provide preventive and counseling services within the school district.