Columbus North High SchoolKindness weekColumbus North PBIS Blue Tickets/Kindness week student drawing for shirts: Michael Anderson, Erica Corbeels, Brianna Eder, Carley Finke, Gabrielle Genth, Cole Grady, Rosa Hernandez, Patrick McKinley, Blake Stevens, & Akshat Verma.
2018 Feb 12 -16 is Columbus North Kindness week. Let's get ready to show your kindness to everyone at North.
2018 Feb 12-16 Kindness week schedule:
On Monday Feb 12 is "Open the Door" to small acts of kindnessOn Tuesday Feb 13 is "Attitude of Gratitude"...share a smileOn Wednesday Feb 14 is "Valentine's Day"show someone you careOn Thursday Feb 15 is "Bulldog Way Day" wear a blue shirtOn Friday Feb 16 is "Make a difference Day" in our school and community.Day 1: "Open the Door" to small acts of kindnessDay 2: "Attitude of Gratitude"...share a smile
Day 3: Valentine's Day"show someone you careDay 4: "Bulldog Way Day" wear a blue shirtDay 5: "Make a difference Day" in our school and community.Special "Kindness" lesson taught by Cailin Ritz (Amanda Godwin's Education Professions II class) to Schmitt Elem School Mrs. Eversman's class.Your Columbus North PBIS Team
Last Modified on November 20, 2019