• Mrs. Lisa Enneking

    Chemistry, Physics, and ICP teacher

    Welcome to my web page. I have taught chemistry and physics courses for 23years. I have a BS from Indiana University and a MS from Ball State University. If you have questions about your child, contacting me through my e-mail address above is the quickest method.  You can access information about the courses I teach by using the links to the left.  

        Mrs. Enneking
     Please see me on ItsLearning to find out more about my classes.
    period 1 7:45-8:30prep
    period 2 8:36-9:21Physics
    period 3 9:27-10:12Physics
    period 4 10:18-11:06Physics
    period 5A  11:12-11:51
    period 5C  11:57-12:42
    period 6 12:48-1:33
    period 7 1:39-2:24ICP
    period 8 2:30-3:15

Last Modified on August 2, 2015