Español 3 - Horas 1, 2, 3
La Tarea- Look below to see your homework assignments. Olé!!!!
Tarea (assignment)Due DateINSTRUCCIONESDirectionsThroughout the book, the activities will have directions in Spanish. Here are some of the directions you will see, along with their English translations:Completa...con las formas correctas de las palabras del cuadro.Complete ...with the correct form of the words from the box.Completa el parrafo con...Complete the paragraph with...Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.Con base en...contesta cierto o falso. Corrige las oraciones falsas.Based on...answer ture or false. Correct the false statements.Con un(a) companero(a), dramatiza (dramaticen)...With a classmate, act out...Contesta las preguntas usando...Answer the questions, using...Contesta (completa) las siguientes preguntas (oraciones)...Answer (complete) the following questions (sentences)...Describe lo que pasa en cada foto (dibujo).Describe what is happening in each photo (drawing)Empareja cada pregunta (definicion) con la respuesta correspondiente (la palabra correcta)Match each question (definition) with the corresponding answer (correct word)En parejas (grupos de tres), dramaticen...In pairs (groups of three) act out...Escoge el dibujo (la respuesta) que corresponde a (mejor completa)...Choose the drawing (the answer) that goes with (best completes)...Escribe...basandote en...Write... based on...Mira las fotos (los dibujos) y escucha las conversaciones. Decide (di, indica)...Look at the photos (dawings) and listen to the conversations. Decide (say, indicate)...Pon en orden...Put...in order...Turnense para...Take turns...Usa una palabra o espresion de cada columna para escribir...Use one word or expression from each column to write...SUGERENCIAS PARA CONTINUAR TUS ESTUDIOSTips for Studying Spanish--level 3Do you remember everything you learned last yr? It is very easy to forget your Spanish when you do not use it for awhile. Here are some extra tips for you to help you in Spanish class this yr:ESCUCHA--ListenWhen someone else is speaking, ask yourslef what that person is saying. Listen for specific words or phrases that either support or do not support your guess.. If you do not hear or understand a word, do not panic or give up. Try to figure out its meaning from the sentences that follow it.HABLA--SpeakHave you ever tried to say something in English, but then you forgot a certain word? Chances are you did not let that stop you. You simply thought of another way of saying the same thing. Use that same trick when speaking Spanish. With a classmate, practice short conversations on topics you learned about last yr. If you can"t remember how to say something in Spanish, look in the glossary or ask someone, "Como se dice..? You can also try using words you do know or gestures to explain what you mean.LEE--ReadSometimes you might feel anxious when you read in Spanish, because understanding the entire text seems to be an overwhelming task. One easy way to reduce this anxiety is to break the reading up into parts. With the reading divided into small sections, you can fovus all your attention on one section at a time.If you look up specific words or phrases in an English-Spanish dictionary, be careful about choosing the meaning. MAny words can have several different meanings in English or in Spanish. Be sure to look closely at the context, if one is given, before choosing a word.ESCRIBE--WriteBefore you begin writing, organize your ideas. Write a sentence that states the main ideas. Then choose the details that support them. List them in an order that makes sense to you. After you have listed all your ideas, you can write about the ones that appeak to you most.One way to make the task of writing easier is to make sure you know most of the words you will need to use. With a classmate, make a list of the words you will probably need to complete your task. Then look up the words you don"t know in the dictionary. Look at the charts in the back of this book to refresh your memory on important grammar points.Learning a foreign language is like any other longtern project, such as getting into shape or taking up a new sport; it will take some time to see the results you want. Remember, knowing another language is a valuable asset, and you"ve already come a long way. Keep up your Spanish andEXPRESATE!!!!!!
Last Modified on September 1, 2015