• A.P. Statistics


    This web page is a useful reference for my A.P. Statistics class however it is no longer as updated as the information on itsLearning.  Please check there first.

    Welcome to A.P. Statistics!book


    What is statistics? Not everyone knows what to expect when they enter this class. Statistics show up all around us...

    • If you are a sports fan, you see stats on ESPN or in the paper.
    • Ever see a commercial for a new drug that talks about side effects found in a double-blind study? We'll discuss how they gather their data and design their studies.
    • Want to go to Vegas and win big? We'll learn all the odds in here (By the way, only the casino owners win big.)
    • Seen all the political surveys? There's a method to how all of that polling is done.

    Much of the world is data driven and statistics help us make sense of all of the data around us.
    Being able to communicate clearly and concisely is an important skill that we will utilize and develop in this course.

    Hopefully you will find this class interesting, practical and valuable in your future. We'll almost always use real data in the problems we work and then draw practical conclusions. Common sense will come in handy. You are in for a challenge, and I hope you enjoy it and find success.

    At the end of this course students will take the A.P. Statistics exam. Scoring well on this exam could earn you college credit!

    A.P. Statistics Course Description (from College Board)

    Schedule, Assignments and Resources

    If you choose to work ahead, please note that these assignments might change!!!

    Unit 1 - Exploring and Understanding Univariate Data (6 weeks)stats

    Chapters 1 & 2 : Introduction to Statistics and Data

    Chapters 3-4-5 : Working with single variable data

    Chapter 6 : The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Modelnormal

    Unit 2 - Exploring Relationships Between Variables (3 weeks)

    Chapters 7-10 : Working with bivariate data

    Unit 3 - Gathering Data (3 weeks)

    Chapters 11-13 : Producing Data

    Unit 4 - Randomness and Probability (6 weeks)

    Chapters 14-15 : Randomness and General Probabilitycoinflip

    Chapters 16-17: Random variables and probability models

    Fall Semester Final Exam


    Unit 5 - From the Data at Hand to the World at Large (Intro to Inference) (4 weeks)

    Chapter 18: Sampling Distributionschalkboard

    Chapters 19-22: Inference for Proportions

    Unit 6 - Learning About the World (Inference) (4 weeks)

    Chapters 23-25: Inference for Meanschart

    • Homework Checklist 6
    • Approximate test date is March 13th
    • Special Problem: SAT scores
    • Resources

    Unit 7 - Inference When Variables are Related (2 weeks)

    Chapters 26-27: Inference for Tables (Chi-Squared) and Inference for Regression

    • Homework Checklist 7
    • Approximate test date is April 16th
    • Special Problem:
    • Resources

    (Unit 8) - A.P. Review

    Once we have completed our study of Statistics, we will take 2-4 weeks to review in preparation for the A.P. exam. This review will include a large A.P. Statistics packet, presentations and discussions, many optional extra review sessions, and a complete practice A.P. test.

    A.P. Exam Day - Wednesday, May 13th (Posters)grad

    Final Projects -

    After we take the A.P. exam we'll take a day or two to celebrate our accomplishment and then complete our final project(s) to finish the school year.

    • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
    • Portfolio (optional)
    • Inference Projects (optional)



    Class Rules and Procedures

    All students are expected to bring their text book, paper, writing utensils, and a calculator to class each day. Students are expected to be on time. If a student is absent they should check the website and check in with the teacher to see what was missed, and make up that work in a timely fashion. Students are not permitted to do anything that affects their own or another student's ability to work and learn. Students are expected to be able to work both collaboratively and individually as needed.

    Students will need a graphing calculator for this class. (TI-83 Plus or TI-84 preferred, if purchasing new) Please ask if you need to check out a calculator.

    Grades for this class will be determined by elements from four categories.

    Tests - Tests in this class will consist of both review material and new material for the chapter(s). Tests are the largest portion of your grade. (50-60%)

    • Re-testing - Tests in this class are not ends, but can be great learning tools themselves. After many tests (this excludes final exams) students will have the opportunity to take a re-test to improve their grade.
      • The retest will be a different test over the same material. Some problems on the retest will be quite similar to the first test, while others will be different.
      • To be eligible to take a retest, you must first correct ALL of the problems on the original test. You must show work and/or explain your thinking - you can't just put the correct answer. These corrections should be done directly on the original test in another color than what you used on the test (extra pages can be attached if needed.) You shouldn't erase your original answers while correcting (they are useful in diagnosing errors.)
      • Once you have corrected your test, show it to Mr. Spock and, if necessary, find a time to discuss it so that you are better prepared for the retest.
      • You will take the retest in the testing resource on your own time. If you do not have a resource period you will need to arrange another time to take the retest.
      • Retests are available for approximately one week which will begin a couple days after the test is handed back (the dates will be posted in the classroom.)
      • Your score will be weighted 2/3 of the higher grade and 1/3 of the lower grade. It is possible for your grade to go down as a result of a retest, but that rarely happens, and will not happen to you if you prepare for the retest well.
      • If you are absent for multiple days and miss the original test (and I've already handed it back) you will take the retest as your only attempt. (Sorry. But you'll have plenty of time to prepare.)

    Homework - is our way of practicing so that we can achieve mastery. (10-20% of grade)

    • We will go over most of the homework problems in class. You are encouraged to follow along with our class discussions and correct your work.
    • Homework will be graded mostly for completion, and I'll also check that a reasonable amount of work was shown (not just copying answers.)
    • Homwwork is due at the end of each chapter / unit on the day of the test. Homework checklists for each unit are provided in class and on this web page.
    • You can keep your homework in a folder or three-ring binder, or just staple it together when it is time to turn it in. When you turn it in, it must be organized and reasonably easy to follow. (There can be deductions.)
    • Homework that is one day late will be docked 10%. Two days late is 25%.
    • Homework is intended to be the 'easy' points that will bring your grade up. Make sure you ask questions and use the homework as a tool to improve your understanding of the concepts.

    Quizzes - are another learning tool we use. (5-15% of grade)

    • Individual quizzes are normally short and will be discussed very soon (sometimes immediately) after we take them. They are a low stakes way of determining what we know and what we need more work on.
    • Group based quizzes are typically one of the best learning days in the class.
      • On group based quizzes, every person in the group will fill out the quiz and also agree on answers, however only one paper from the group will be graded.
      • If there is disagreement within the group that cannot be resolved, it must be discussed with Mr. Spock BEFORE the quizzes are turned in.

    Projects - Most units have small projects called special problems which give students opportunities to apply their statistical knowledge. (10-30% of grade)





    Calculator rental forms - CNHS


    Previous week's schedules



    Mr. Michael Spock - spockm@bcsc.k12.in.us


Last Modified on June 10, 2018