• Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students


    Mission: Since 2003, the PATINS Project has assisted 44 Indiana schools in implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to the area of literacy/math in their classrooms. Each selected school, referred to as a pilot site, is committed to a three year partnership with PATINS, creating an action plan with UDL framework using supportive technology, developing appropriate tools for data collection, and assessing the effectiveness of their projects on their students.

    • Elizabeth Bays - ESL and World Languages
    • Brad Branham - Mathematics
    • Kelly Culp - English
    • John Green - Admin
    • Dan Marsh - Social Studies
    • Tami Readon - Science


    Link: http://www.patinsproject.com/




    1.      Complete the application and sent it to PATINS by Oct 6, 2008

    (Susan Scott and John Green)

    2.      Review of application by PATINS staff. 8 new UDL teams to be chosen by October 13, 2008CNHS APPROVED !!!!!!
    3.      Universal Design for Learning On-Line Book Study (Book provided - Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age) – all participating pilot site team members must actively participate in this activity. It is recommended that appointed team members participate as a team for this activity to provide for more cohesiveness and sharing of the course assignments. Dates for this study are November 3, 2008 – January 9, 2009. This on-line course does not require release time. MANDATORY

    4.      UDL Institute – two (2) days of intensive professional development focusing on the principles underlying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to support pilot program initiative, UDL lesson plan development and initial drafting of school UDL action plan. This Institute will be held at the Pike Training Center, Indianapolis, IN., on January 13-14, 2009. MANDATORY

    5.      Collaborative Meeting- Teams will participate once a year in a spring collaborative meeting with other sites for the purpose of sharing their success stories & shortcomings. The first year of the grant the team will be required to participate in a poster session (assignment given to them at the UDL Institute). This meeting will be held at the Pike Training Center, Indianapolis, IN., on February 23, 2009. MANDATORY

Last Modified on October 15, 2008