Drop Off/Pick Up/Visitor Policy for CNHS StudentsAll students who are dropped off or picked up by parents/guardians can be dropped off at the new North entrance of the building or at the south entrance off of 25th Street. Students can walk in the doors next to the library and walk straight to our class from the south location. If a student needs an adult to meet them at the drop off location, please speak to their teacher of record. Students can be picked up from these same locations. If a parent/guardian chooses to come in the building to pick up their son or daughter at the end of the day, they need to report to the Dean’s Office. They secretary will notify the teacher and the student will be escorted by a staff member to the parent. The parent/guardian should not come to the classroom unless the teacher has been notified and has said they may come to the classroom.
If a student has an appointment and needs to leave school early, please call the Dean’s Office and notify them of the appointment. The student will be given a pass to report to the Dean’s Office at the designated time to meet the parent. When the student returns to school, they should check in at the Dean’s Office. The student’s teacher will be notified they have returned and a staff member will come to the Dean’s Office to get the student.
Visitors should not be in any location of the building unless they have signed in at the Main Office and received a Visitor’s Badge. Please feel free to contact your son or daughter’s teacher of record, the Dean’s Office, or Main Office regarding any questions. Thank you for your understanding and patients with this policy