• Certificate of Merit Recipients and Outstanding Business Student

    Each Spring, the Business Department teachers compile a list of students who may be eligible for Certificate of Merit.  

    Criteria selection for the Certificate of Merit are:
    1.  Current senior
    2.  "A" average in Business classes all four years
    3.  No grade below a C- in any business class
    4.  No F's in ANY CLASS in grades 10-12
    5.  Minimum eight (8) semesters of credit in Business classes
    From the Certificate of Merit candidates, one will be chosen as Outstanding Business Student based on the following:
    1.  Current senior
    2.  GPA / Class Rank
    3.  Minimum eight (8) semesters credit in Business classes
    4.  Grades in Business classes
    5.  Attendance and attitude
    We encourage students to set a goal to become Certificate of Merit qualified.  Students may self suggest and Business teachers will determine if they qualify. 
Last Modified on January 29, 2020