• Hello !

    Welcome to Mrs. Stewart's Homepage!


    Ms. Riddle

    Name: Crystal Stewart
    Email Address:
    Phone number:
    812-376-4403 ext. 1219


    Hello Tyros!  Welcome to my homepage!  I am excited to be your teacher and am looking forward to a great year with you all!

    I have been teaching for 20 years, and have spent the last 19 of those years here at Northside!  I have been part of the Tyro team for 17 straight years.  I have 20 year-old twins; my son is a Correction Officer for the Bartholomew County Sheriffs Department and my daughter works as a CNA at Homeview Nursing Home.  I have been married to my husband Darren for 3 years.  I LOVE reading and discovering new novels we can use in the classroom!
    **Some important information about the class:


    In Language Arts 7, students will read and analyze informational and technical materials, write a persuasive essay and a research paper, and learn how to summarize using evidence from the text.  Students will be introduced to the six traits of writing through mini-lessons and an in-class handbook that focuses specifically on the six traits of writing.  Students will examine effective writing techniques and use the writing process to apply these techniques in their own pieces. Students will write their research report based on a systematic research process.  Students will also be exposed to various types of writing and reading genres; we will read AT LEAST one novel per nine weeks along with ONE major writing assignment.


    Students will work on grammar skills and vocabulary. Students will also study the elements of literature through media options such as film, presentations, projects, written assignments, novels, and more.  We will also be working closely with the social studies currriculum and doing mini-interdisciplinary units with Mr. Voelz!


    Classroom Expectations will be decided on by the students, but here are a few to get us started:

    • Be kind, respectful, and courteous to others
    • Respect your property and that of others
    • Listen to each other
    • No put downs
    • Be in your seat when the bell rings
    • Have ALL your materials with you daily
    • Always have a library book or book from home with you daily
    • Raise your hand if you have a question
    • You will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell



    Daily Required Materials

    • Assignment notebook (school issued)
    • Paper, pen (blue or black), pencil
    • Reading novel or writing materials (whichever we are working on at the time)
    • Folder
    • Highlighter


    Other Materials Needed

    • Colored pencils and/or markers
    • Note cards (lined or unlined)
    • Flashdrive/jumpdrive
    • Ear buds
    • 1/2 inch binder (to be kept in the classroom) with dividers



    The following is the grading scale for Language Arts 7.  Students will be expected to complete all assignments daily.  Work turned in one day late will result in a deduction of points (30%).  Assignments turned in 2 days late will result in a (50%) deduction of points; Assignments turned in more than one day late will result in a zero in the grade book.


    Letter Grade                                     Percentage of Points Earned

    A                                                                           90-100

    B                                                                           80-89

    C                                                                           70-79

    D                                                                          60-69

    F                                                                           0-59


Last Modified on January 16, 2019