• Welcome to Amy Dixon's homepage.

    Name: Amy Dixon
    Email Address: dixona@bcsc.k12.in.us
    August 1, 2019

    Phone number: 376-4403
    The start of school is only a few days away.  It is such an exciting time of year.  We have spent the summer interviewing, preparing the building and attending professional development.  Our goal is always to improve each year and we certainly feel like that is the case as we enter 2019-2020.
    We are happy to welcome our new staff:
    • Amy Rosenberg will be the Titan Literacy Lab teacher.  Mrs. Rosenberg comes to us from Georgia where she taught middle school language arts for several year.  She also taught one year at Columbus North High School in the special education department.
    • Kevin Hurst will be the Veritas English 8 teacher.  Mr. Hurst has five years of experience in middle school language arts at Jennings County Middle School.
    • Temkai Clark will be the Veritas Literacy Lab 8 teacher.  Mr. Clark has two years of experience teaching high school Spanish and will now be able to use his Literature degree from BYU-Idaho.
    • Lindsey Arndt will be the Mosaic math teacher.  Lindsey graduated from Valparaiso University in May.
    • John Bagan will be the Tyro Writing and Literacy 7 teacher.  Mr. Bagan has over 20 years of experience teaching middle school language arts including AC students.
    • Becky Brown joins us from Southside Middle School and will lead our music and choir classes.  We are thrilled to get her energy and experience!

    We have also been fortunate to make some building improvements.  Here are a few:

    • Two student bathrooms were completely updated.
    • The gym floors were both refinished.
    • New wireless arrays were installed.  Now every classroom has an access point.
    • Every floor in every room was scrubbed and re-waxed.

    Many of our teachers attended the UDL Summer Institute to learn even better strategies to educate middle school students.

    I have been an administrator at Northside for 15 years.  I was the assistant principal for three years and the principal for 12 years.  As I look toward the coming school year, I can't think of another time that I have been more excited. Let's make 2019-2020 Northside's best year yet!

    If I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to call me at 376-4403. 
    Amy Dixon
    Northside Middle School



    Amy Dixon


Last Modified on August 1, 2019