Name: Ethan Crisp
Room: 007
Email: crispe@bcsc.k12.in.us
Phone: 812-376-4403 ext. 1007
Instagram: @CrispySpanish2019
¡Bienvenidos al mundo de español!
Welcome to the world of Spanish! Feel free to email me if you have any concerns!
I've been all over the map! I was born in Arizona, lived most of my life in Southern California, lived in Mexico (where I learned Spanish), and went to college in Utah (Brigham Young University). I met my wife, a Columbus native, in college, and she's brought me here. We live here in Columbus with our rambunctious dog, Lincoln, and our jumpy cat, Cali. This is my second year teaching here at Northside, and I'm loving it! I love reading and writing, watching and playing sports, but most importantly I love Spanish!
Spanish I is a fantastic journey into the Spanish world, an introductory course that will give students an introduction into describing themselves, other people, and things in Spanish. The following are the skills that students will be able to utilize in Spanish on a basic level: Count to 100, Describe Days and Months, Describe the Weather, Describe self and others (both personality, characteristics, and feelings), Talk about families, Describe Rooms in a house, Describe food, Talk about sports, and Talk about a doctor's visit.
This course is for high school credit. IT REQUIRES HIGH SCHOOL-LEVEL EFFORT TO DO WELL IN THIS COURSE. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it.