
     Hello! Welcome to Mrs. Fountain's Page!

    Mrs. Fountain
    (photo by Danielle McCain Photography)
    Name: Molly Fountain
    Email Address: fountainm@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number: 812-376-4403

    Welcome to Titan Social Studies! My name is Mrs. Fountain and I will be teaching you all about United States history from exploration to reconstruction.  
    I grew up in Muncie, IN and attended and graduated from Purdue University (Go Boilers!) with a degree in Social Studies Education in 2009.  This is my 11th year teaching at Northside, and my third year on the Titan team.  My husband, Marc, works at Cummins and we have two children - Henry, 5, and Jack, 3. I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with my husband, boys, and dog.
    I look forward to exploring the history and government of the United States with you this school year!  
    You can access my class syllabus & expectations here.
    For homework, please visit the Titan team website.
    For daily class materials & information, please visit my itslearning page.
    To access the Social Studies Techbook, click here!
    Mrs. Fountain's Room
Last Modified on July 9, 2019