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PBIS at Northside!




All members (students and staff) of the PBiS committee meet monthly to review the previous month's discipline data and discuss stakeholder input.  After reviewing data, the group develops expectation reminders for students (and staff) by incorporating "booster shot lessons."  Below are examples of such lessons:




 What dooes PBIS look like at Northside?


PBIS Behavior Matrix
What do I do with these tickets? Click here for video
Adult Commitments
Leveled Behaviors




Northside Middle School staff and students are committed to being a PBIS school.  The driving forces behind PBIS are to teach the students the expected behavior at Northside.  Here is what PBIS looks like at NMS:


Act Responsibly

Be Respectful

Communicate Effectively


  • Reinforcement:  Students earn white "tickets" for displaying the expected behaviors at NMS.  These tickets can be turned in for PBIS cards, which earn students special privileges throughout the building. 
  • All staff and students at Northside use common language when explaining PBIS expectations.  This allows for a large amount of continuity from classroom to classroom, ensuring a seamless day for the students.
  • The PBIS committee meets monthly to review staff feedback, alter PBIS lesson plans, and review discipline data.  This feedback and data determine what the PBIS committee focuses on next.



What is a voice level at Northside?


0 = Zero people can hear you.

1 = Partner voice: Quiet voice. Only one person on each side can hear you.

2 = Quiet Conversation voice: Several people within 5 ft of you can hear.

3 = Speaker Voice: Use this voice when talking to large groups of people.

4 = Outside Voice: Use this voice at recess.