• 7th Grade Science Standards

    SCI.7.1 2010 - Physical Science

    SCI.7.1.1 2010

    Explain that when energy is transferred from one system to another, the total quantity of energy does not change.

    SCI.7.1.2 2010

    Describe and give examples of how energy can be transferred from place to place and transformed from one form to another through radiation, convection and conduction.

    SCI.7.1.3 2010

    Recognize and explain how different ways of obtaining, transforming and distributing energy have different environmental consequences.

    SCI.7.1.4 2010

    Recognize and provide evidence of how light, sound and other waves have energy and how they interact with different materials.

    SCI.7.1.5 2010

    Describe and investigate how forces between objects—such as magnetic, electrical or gravitational forces—can act at a distance or by means of direct contact between objects.

    SCI.7.1.6 2010

    Explain that forces have magnitude and direction and those forces can be added to determine the net force acting on an object.

    SCI.7.1.7 2010

    Demonstrate and describe how an object’s speed or direction of motion changes when a force acts upon it. Demonstrate and describe that an object’s speed and direction of motion remain unchanged if the net force acting upon it is zero.

    SCI.7.2 2010 - Earth and Space Systems

     Describe how earth processes have shaped the topography of the earth and have made it possible to measure geological time.

    SCI.7.2.1 2010

    Describe how the earth is a layered structure composed of lithospheric plates, a mantle and a dense core.

    SCI.7.2.2 2010

    Recognize that the earth possesses a magnetic field that is detectable at the surface with a compass.

    SCI.7.2.3 2010

    Characterize the immensity of geologic time and recognize that it is measured in eras and epochs.

    SCI.7.2.4 2010

    Explain how convection currents in the mantle cause lithospheric plates to move and cause fast changes like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and slow changes like the creation of mountains and formation of new ocean floors.

    SCI.7.2.5 2010

    Describe the origin and physical properties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and how they are related through the rock cycle.

    SCI.7.2.6 2010

    Describe physical and chemical characteristics of soil layers and how they are influenced by the process of soil formation (including the action of bacteria, fungi, insects and other organisms).

    SCI.7.2.7 2010

    Use geological features such as karst topography and glaciation to explain how large-scale physical processes have shaped the land.

    SCI.7.2.8 2010

    Compare and contrast fossils with living organisms in a given location to explain how earth processes have changed environments over time.

    SCI.7.3 2010 - Life Science

     Understand the cellular structure of single-celled and multicellular organisms.

    SCI.7.3.1 2010

    Explain that all living organisms are composed of one cell or multiple cells and that the many functions needed to sustain life are carried out within cells.

    SCI.7.3.2 2010

    Understand that water is a major component within all cells and is required to carry out many cellular functions.

    SCI.7.3.3 2010

    Explain that, although the way cells function is similar in all living organisms, multicellular organisms have specialized cells whose specialized functions are directly related to their structure.

    SCI.7.3.4 2010

    Compare and contrast similarities and differences among specialized sub cellular components within plant and animal cells (including organelles and cell walls that perform essential functions and give cells shape and structure).

    SCI.7.3.5 2010

    Explain that cells in multicellular organisms repeatedly divide to make more cells for growth and repair.

    SCI.7.3.6 2010

    Explain that after fertilization a small cluster of cells divides to form the basic tissues of an embryo and further develops into all the specialized tissues and organs within a multicellular organism.

    SCI.7.3.7 2010

    Describe how various organs and tissues serve the needs of cells for nutrient and oxygen delivery and waste removal.

    SCI.7.4 2010 - Science, Technology and Engineering

     Design and construct a device that converts energy from one form to another to perform work.

    SCI.7.4.1 2010

    Understand that energy is the capacity to do work.

    SCI.7.4.2 2010

    Explain that energy can be used to do work using many processes (e.g., generation of electricity by harnessing wind energy).

    SCI.7.4.3 2010

    Explain that power is the rate that energy is converted from one form to another.

    SCI.7.4.4 2010

    Explain that power systems are used to provide propulsion for engineered products and systems.
    These are the Indiana science standards as of 2010 at The Learning Connection.