• Indiana State Financial Aid


    Financial Aid Information Night
    October 2, 2019 6pm CNHS Cafeteria

    The FAFSA can be confusing, but it’s a must if you’re looking for federal student loans, as well as many grants and scholarships from federal and state governments and colleges. Even if you think you won’t qualify for financial aid, it’s a good idea to file. Many people who think they won’t qualify actually would, and they leave millions of dollars in grant money unclaimed because they didn’t file. With that in mind, here’s a quick breakdown of the “five Ws” for the 2019-2020 school year.

    WHAT do I need to file the FAFSA?

    Filing is easier if you have gathered everything you need before you get started. If you are a dependent student you will need the following information for yourself, as well as your parents. If you are married you will need this information for your spouse also.


    • Social Security Number (or Alien Registration Number if you are not a US citizen)
    • Student’s driver’s license (if applicable)
    • Tax return for you (and your parents, if applicable) from the prior-prior year. For the 2019-2020 FAFSA, this is your 2017 tax return.
    • Bank statements, records of investments, and records of untaxed income (such as veteran’s non education benefits and child support)
    • An FSA ID to electronically sign the form (students and parents will each need their own FSA ID)

    NOTE: The IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) can make obtaining accurate tax information easier. However, there are some stipulations on who is eligible to use the DRT, so it’s still a good idea to have the information on hand.

     The 2019-2020 FAFSA is available for filing on or after October 1, 2018. The deadline for the 2019-2020 FAFSA is midnight, Central Time, June 30, 2020. 
    *NOTE SOME COLLEGES SET THEIR OWN DEADLINES- make you check with your college of choice.
    Institution Financial Aid form: Some institutions will have an addition form to the FAFSA.   These forms will either be included in the application packet or the institution will forward the form after application has been submitted.

    DO NOT automatically disregard an institution because of the price tag

    Attending an educational institution after high school can be expensive.  There are a multitude of financial aid opportunities available. We are committed to disseminating all of the information we receive on financial aid.  Be aware of the following avenues to obtain information and encourage your senior to take advantage of all that is available.

    Scholarship Information
    Throughout the year the Counseling Center receives information for local & national scholarships in addition to specific scholarships for colleges/universities.  For your convenience, we compile this information every week in "SHOW ME THE MONEY" (our weekly counseling newsletter).  To access "Show Me the Money", please click on the "Show Me the Money" Link to the left.  You can also sign up to receive this newsletter by email each week by emailing williamsm@bcsc.k12.in.us.


    INVEST ED: ISM College Planning is a free resource for students and parents looking for help with college planning and financial aid.   At ISM College Planning, we help families understand how to wisely fund college to get the education they need without unnecessary debt. www.ISMCollegePlanning.org
    Learn More Resource Center” is Indiana’s pre-k to college connection. 
    We highly recommend this website for students and parents to assist financial aid.  www.learnmoreindiana.org
    Internet scholarship searches are available on-line that are free and very thorough.
    Local scholarships:  Many churches, businesses, and professional and social organizations offer scholarships to employees and members.  Make yourself aware of these possibilities.  Most of these do not come through the school.
    Institution Financial Aid form: Some institutions will have an addition form to the FAFSA.   These forms will either be included in the application packet or the institution will forward the form after application has been submitted.

    CAUTION:  There are many programs that offer “Scholarship Searches for a Price.”  The cost may vary from $30 to $1000.  You can receive the same information through the Counseling Center, internet search, the public library, or Learn More Indiana for FREE.