• Sylvan SAT/ACT Prep Class--(812) 372-2104 or GOSYLVAN.com

    • TERC (Testing & Education Reference Center) is a terrific resource designed to help students increase their knowledge, improve their skills, and perform better on tests. TERC offers Academic Skills Question Banks for grades 6-12; online courses, study books, and practice tests for AP , ACT, SAT, PSAT, ASVAB, TESOL, and more. Additionally TERC offers Career Tools for a variety of vocations - firefighters, law enforcement, postal, real estate, teaching (Praxis) and more . . .

      Indiana Taxpayers pay for our access to TERC, which is hosted by our state's virtual library: INSPIRE (inspire.net)
      (FYI: Citizens of Indiana can now access Rosetta Stone - for free - from inspire.net!)

      Attached are fliers / instructions for TERC

    Free Prep Materials & Practice Tests

    Free Prep Materials & Practice Test Info

     October 16, 2019  Periods 1-5
    Sophmores & Juniors will be able to register to test Mid-September for $2.00
    SAT/ACT Test Date Information
    Concordance Tables