Mrs. Riordan presents current event story to the class.

Room 113


      I will be teaching Special Education in room 113.  Students will also be following daily schedules and active in classrooms throughout the building.
      Speech Pathologist is Grace Yoder, Occupational Therapist is Connie Ortman, Physical Therapy: Jamie Spidel    
     In our classroom we work on strategies to become independent in daily living and academic skills.  Teachers, assistants and peer helpers work together to meet individual education  goals. We will be building growth mindset vocabularly as we identify goals and ways we can achieve them. 
    At the beginning of the year, our focus will be on our classroom community and learning classroom routines.   There will be guided discovery of Positive Behavior Instructional Support throughout Northside.  Schoolwide expectations allow for students to have a safe learning environment while succeeding in doing their personal best.  LifeSkill students will have hands on experiences through math, reading  and communication classes.
    Thanks to families for regularly checking notebooks and encouraging your teens at home.  
    Please keep in touch through email or calling my school phone number.  If you leave a message, please remember I may not be able to check it before dismissal.  If your message has to do with transportation changes, please call directly through the office.