• 7th Grade Health & Wellness

    Mrs. LeClerc’s Syllabus

    Understanding Your Health & Wellness (Days 1-19)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • identify the aspects of health & wellness.
    • give examples of risk factors within a person’s Physical, Social, Mental/Emotional, & Economic Environments.
    • evaluate how the lifestyle choices you make now can affect your health & wellness in the future.
    • demonstrate decision-making and goal-setting skills.
    • describe how refusal skills help people avoid unhealthy behaviors.                         
    • understand why sleep is important.
    • determine the consequences of not getting enough sleep.
    • develop strategies for getting enough sleep. (9 hours!!)

    Being Mentally & Emotionally Healthy (Days 20-30)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • describe the different parts of a person’s identify.                                      
    • demonstrate how to express your emotions in a health way.
    • identify characteristics of people with high emotional intelligence.
    • give examples of strategies you can use to manage the stress in your life.
    • recognize when you should seek professional help for mental & emotional situations.

    Promoting Healthy Relationships (Days 31-37)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • identify the characteristics of a healthy relationship.                   
    • identify the signs of an unhealthy relationship.
    • explain how to communicate effectively with others.   


    Human Development (Days 38-42)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • summarize the physical, intellectual, emotional, & social growth and development that occurs during adolescence.
    • compare the physical changes that occur in males and females during puberty.
    • describe the male & female reproductive systems.
    • explain what causes fertilization to take place.                                    

    LeClerc’s Health Class Expectations

    To succeed in health class your child will need the following:

    • A folder to be used exclusively for health
    • Paper   
    • Pencil/pen              
    • Class assignments  
    • Chromebook
    • Bluebook
    • Earphones

    Turn in procedure, each class has a class container where they are to turn in assignments, located on the back counter.

    Extra handouts will be on stacks at the back counter.


    Each unit you will receive a Family Activities Letter that includes Family Extra Credit, Discussion Starters & Activities you will have 7 days to complete.

    Itslearning  Please visit your child’s itlearning page often to see their assignments and Parent info.

    Comprehensive Health Skills for Middle School, by Goodheart-Willcox publishers is our new health textbook and online resources. We are very excited about these updated materials.

    Choices Digital Health Magazine


    Subscribe: Teens-  “Come on it”   Classroom password: rugmilk1

    Health Curriculum Parent Workshop  ~  Wednesdy, January 23, 2019   @ 6:30 PM

    To discuss helpful parenting tips on communicating health information and preview the sensitive materials covered in our curriculum.  We will also be reviewing the media your child will see in class.

    Our entire curriculum is ABSTINENCE based.

    Community Speakers & Workshops Safe Date ~ Turning Point, I Decide For Me~ Clarity, and Life Skills ~ Foundation for Youth

    Bill 65 is a state law requires that parents/guardians be notified in writing of the district’s intent to offer a human sexuality curriculum. This letter was in your child’s 1st day packet. Please return this signed letter to the main office.

    Contact Information

    E-mail:   leclerct@bcsc.k12.in.us

    Phone:   Northside 376-4403

    Thank you for your support and concern, it takes all of us working together to prepare your child for their healthy future.

    Tammie LeClerc (LaClair)





Last Modified on January 19, 2019