CNHS Literacy InitiativesThe instruction, retention and mastery of core academic principles in different disciplinesAcademic VocabularyIdentification and applicationAssessmentTypes, modifications and applications for state, district and classroom expectationsGraduation
Diploma requirements and student cohorts CNHS Literacy Goals by GAT
Develop a curriculum for students to study composers of wind music from several eras by May, 2012.
Visual Art
Identify academic vocabulary and utilize it in visual examples, classroom discussions/ critiques, and writing samples.Ongoing
In the 2012-13 school year, the English department at North and the language arts department at Northside will organize in combined Goal Action Teams that will align scope and sequence from grades 7-12 in five areas: literature, writing, communications/literacy, research/technology, and promotion/outreach. Baseline data will be the most current results from ISTEP, Acuity, ECA, ACT, PLAN, and EXPLORE. Measureable results will be improvement from all groups of students on all these measurements. Creation and product from these GATs will be a one-year goal with the expectation that specific GATs and team members will be revisited in April, 2013 with the maintain this goal but improve the specifics in future school years.
Ongoing Math
Math teachers will continue to work with special needs teachers on math content and strategies and expand session to include Geometry and Algebra 2.