• Dear Northside Families:

    Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!  As our staff prepares for the students to return, we have been busy with facility maintenance and improvement, teacher professional development, athletic practices, and interviewing and hiring.  With only four weeks remaining before the first day of learning, I know that many of our students are also beginning to prepare for their return.  I hope the following information helps to create a seamless and smooth transition from the summer to the school year.

    Anyone receiving this letter is already enrolled at Northside for the 2019-2020 school year.  If you are NOT planning to attend Northside this fall, please contact the guidance office at 812-376-4401 or e-mail Beth Burbrink at burbrinkb@bcsc.k12.in.us upon receipt of this letter.  Likewise, if you have friends or neighbors new to the Northside district, please let them know that Enrollment Day is Wednesday, July 31, 2019 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Guidance counselors will be here during that time to register all new students.  Please bring a birth certificate, proof of residency (such as a bill) and immunization record.  Remember if you receive this letter, you are already enrolled and do not need to come to Northside on Enrollment Day.

    Schedule Pick-Up Day for all students is Friday, August 2, 2019 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Students may practice finding their classrooms and opening their lockers.  We encourage a parent/legal guardian to accompany their student.  Staff members will be available to enroll eligible families for lunch assistance, answer busing questions and assist in filling out 21st Century Scholar applications.  Guidance counselors will be available to make any necessary schedule changes.  It is so helpful to “knock these tasks out” before the official start of school.  The total estimated length of time required to achieve all of these school-readiness items is about 45 minutes.

    Our Back-to-School Open House will be Monday, August 5, 2019 beginning promptly at 6:30 P.M.  Please see the Back-to-School Open House information included in this mailing.  This evening is an important part of our acclimation process and helps students feel more comfortable on the First Student Day.

    The First Student Day is Wednesday, August 7, 2019.  This is a regular school day from 7:50 A.M. to 3:05 P.M.  Students should report daily no later than 7:40 A.M.  Since this is a full school day, please bring pencil, paper and lunch money.  This begins an important ten days of school that sets the stage for the rest of the year.  It includes setting classroom expectations, PBIS Kick-off Day, Chromebook distribution, state-mandated health screens, school picture day and practice of all of our safety drills.  To be specific, all students will learn our procedures for fire, tornado and earthquake drills along with Run, Hide, Fight in the case of an intruder.

    We have a lot to be proud of from 2018-2019.  Our Science Academic Team placed 1st in the state.  The Spell Bowl team qualified for state for the ninth year in a row.  During the second year it was available, forty-three (43) 8th grade Spartans qualified for the Mayor’s Work Ethic Certificate.  Our 8th grade girls’ basketball team and girls’ tennis team went undefeated.  Our Solar Car team repeated as Regional Champs!

    I wonder what accomplishments Northside will attain in 2019-2020!



    Amy Dixon


Last Modified on August 1, 2019