• Mr. Burton’s 7th Grade Health Syllabus


    Introduction to Health and Developing Good Personal Hygiene (Days 1-9)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Identify strategies for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails
    • Describe the three distinct layers of skin
    • Give examples of conditions that affect the skin
    • Summarize common mouth problems people may experience and list strategies to prevent them
    • Identify parts of the eye and their functions and describe common vision problems
    • Identify parts of the ear and their functions and describe common hearing problems


    Understanding and Avoiding Hazardous Substances (Days 10-24)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Identify various forms of tobacco and the addictive substance in tobacco products
    • Assess the hazardous effects of tobacco use on heart and lungs
    • Describe how tobacco use can affect a person’s appearance
    • Explain the impact of secondhand smoke on individuals
    • Differentiate moderate drinking, binge drinking, and heavy drinking
    • Analyze the effects of alcohol on the brain
    • Relate alcohol use to long-term health consequences
    • Explain the consequences of underage drinking
    • Summarize the factors that cause teens to try smoking or drinking
    • Outline effective strategies to prevent and discourage tobacco and alcohol use
    • Identify steps someone can follow when trying to quit using tobacco or alcohol
    • List and explain each of the stages of addiction

    Protecting your Physical and Emotional Health (Days 25-44)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Develop an emergency preparedness plan for your family
    • Create an escape plan for leaving your home in case of a fire
    • Demonstrate how to protect your privacy and safety online
    • Identify items needed in a first-aid kit
    • Explain what a medical emergency is and how you should respond to one
    • Identify the consequences of bullying and cyberbullying
    • List strategies for bullying prevention
    • Identify the types of abuse
    • Explain what domestic violence is
    • Summarize the effects of child abuse and the results of reporting it
    • Discuss the cycle of abuse and ways of responding to abuse
    • Identify strategies for preventing abuse
    • Explain what school violence is and how schools prevent it
    • Describe other types of violence like human trafficking, hate crimes, homicide, terrorism, and gang violence

    Burton’s Health Class Expectations


    To succeed in health class you will need the following items:

    • Folder to be used exclusively for Health
    • Pencil and paper
    • Chromebook
    • Bluebook
    • Headphones


    Turn in procedure: Assignments should be turned into the assignment tray located near Mr. Burton’s desk on the date they are due.


    Extra handouts: Talk to Mr. Burton anytime you need another copy of an assignment


    This year we are using the textbook program, Health Skills for Middle School (published by Goodheart-Wilcox Company). We have a classroom set for students to use while here. More information will be sent out soon so students can access this book online through ItsLearning.


    If you have any questions or need to contact me please feel free to email me at burtonky@bcsc.k12.in.us

    Thank you for your support and concern, it takes all of us working together to prepare your child for their healthy future.

    Student Signature ________________________________________________________________

    Parent Signature _________________________________________________________________