• Mr. Burton’s 8th Grade Health Syllabus


    Introduction to Health & Medications and Drugs (Days 1-14)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Differentiate between over-the-counter and prescription medications
    • Explain three health risks of taking medications and identify strategies for using medications safely
    • Differentiate between medication use, misuse, and abuse
    • Give examples of common types of illegal drugs
    • Describe the physical, mental, emotional, and social consequences of drug abuse and addiction
    • Explain strategies for preventing drug abuse and addiction
    • Demonstrate refusal skills to resist peer pressure to use drugs
    • Recognize the signs of drug abuse and drug addiction
    • Explain how you can help someone who is addicted to drugs
    • Describe several treatment methods for drug abuse and addiction


    Nutrition (Days 15-29)            

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Identify the six types of nutrients and explain the role they play in the body
    • Explain the importance of water to good health
    • Describe ways to determine healthy weight and determine steps to take to make healthy food choices
    • Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy weight-management strategies
    • Explain the poor health results of being underweight, overweight, or obese
    • Demonstrate how to use the MyPlate food guidance system to plan a healthy diet
    • Identify several factors that can influence a person’s body image
    • Identify the symptoms of these three eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge-eating disorder


    Physical Fitness (Days 30-44)

    After studying this unit, the students will be able to:

    • Describe the benefits of physical activity
    • List and explain the five aspects of health-related fitness and the six aspects of skill-related fitness
    • Determine whether an activity is aerobic or anaerobic
    • Calculate maximum heart rate and target heart rate zones for moderate and vigorous exercise
    • Explain how the rules of a sport and the equipment used are related to fitness safety
    • Determine your current level of fitness and develop personal fitness goals
    • Create a tracking report to help with achieving fitness goals
    • Explain why it is important to start slowly and not overdo it when starting a fitness program
    • Compare and contrast a sprain, dislocation, and fracture

    Burton’s Health Class Expectations


    To succeed in health class you will need the following items:

    • Folder to be used exclusively for Health
    • Pencil and paper
    • Chromebook
    • Bluebook
    • Headphones


    Turn in procedure: Assignments should be turned into the assignment tray located near Mr. Burton’s desk on the date they are due.


    Extra handouts: Talk to Mr. Burton anytime you need another copy of an assignment


    This year we are using the textbook program, Health Skills for Middle School (published by Goodheart-Wilcox Company). We have a classroom set for students to use while here. More information will be sent out soon so students can access this book online through ItsLearning.


    If you have any questions or need to contact me please feel free to email me at burtonky@bcsc.k12.in.us

    Thank you for your support and concern, it takes all of us working together to prepare your child for their healthy future.

    Student Signature ________________________________________________________________

    Parent Signature _________________________________________________________________