• Technology Education

    Synergistic Systems

    Mr. Bruce Musial




    This is a nine-week course which will meet Monday through Friday for forty-two minutes each day.  Students will have an opportunity to explore activities from the five career clusters of Technology.  Students will explore three or four of the sixteen modules available in lab 136.  They will be assigned a partner and spend eight days completing the various activities of each of their modules.  Each student earns points for completing these activities.  Grades are based on successfully completing all assigned tasks.



    Grades earned in this class will be based on the following grading scale:


    90-100 A    80-89 B   70--79 C  60-69 D


    • Interim reports will be distributed at four & a half weeks of each nine week period. These reports are to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned within two days of distribution. 



    Students will need the following items for this class:

    • Pencil and Eraser 
    • portfolio with fasteners and loose-leaf notebook paper 
    • 2-pocket Folder(p1-Purple; p2-Blue; p3-Green;p4-Yellow;p8-Gray/Black/Orange; p9-Red)


    Students are expected to do what’s right, do what’s expected, and do their best. This means:

    •  Be seated and ready to work by the START of the tardy bell.
    • Be prepared for class with supplies and homework.
    • Contribute positively to classroom, discussions, and the overall classroom environment.


    Students choosing not to meet the above expectations may be:

    •  warned,
    • detained after class,
    • assigned before school detention
    • assigned lunch detention
    • assigned afterschool detention,
    • referred to the appropriate administrator.

      Make-up Policy:

    •  Students who are absent or don’t complete assigned work will not receive credit.  Make up time is available.  See Mr. Musial to arrange a make up time.
    • Students must see Mr. Musial before/after class, before/after school or during lunch for directions concerning missed assignments or to make arrangements to complete make-up tests/quizzes.


    Teacher Contact Information:

    Parents or guardians are encouraged to contact me directly regarding questions about materials and assignments given in this class. I can be reached at school by calling 376-4403 ext. 1137 or email: musialb@bcsc.k12.in.us


Last Modified on January 16, 2019