    Thank you for participating in this year's Northside/Central Summer Reading Challenge! 
    Next year ....... 
    Just follow this link to our reading log.  
    It's easy to participate.  Keep a record of number of pages you read this summer and return to Mrs. Cain or Mrs. Fee in August.  
    You will be invited to a Summer Reading Luncheon complete with door prizes and more!

    Here is a link to the Summer Reading Challenge Reading Log.   Here also is a link to another summer reading option.  Begin reading books on June 3, 2015, the first day of summer vacation.  summer

    When school starts, bring your completed summer reading log or bingo sheet to the NMS library.  You will receive an invitation to attend the official summer reading luncheon scheduled for Friday, August 28; there will be delicious food and lots of door prizes.  It's that easy!



Last Modified on February 25, 2019