The following databases are funded by BCSC. Usernames and passwords are listed on bookmarks inside each student's agenda book and are also available through the Northside Media Center.
World Book Online contains articles from the 22-volume print set. Username: northside Password: northsideSIRS Researcher
Includes Leading Issues, Natural Disasters, Focus on Terrorism, Today’s News, Maps of the World, World Almanac Excerpts.SIRS WebSelect Includes websites for Astronomy and Space, Criminal Justice, Dictionaries, E-Books, U.S. Historic Documents, National Archives Documents, U.S. Congress, U.S. Presidents, U.S. Supreme Court.
Includes reports on 200+ countries: land and climate, currency calculator, recipes, family life, holidays, economy, education, health, and events and trends.Indiana's Virtual Library. a collection of academic databases and other resources that can be accessed by residents using any computer equipped with an Internet Protocol (IP) address located in Indiana.Student Resource Center Gold has 1,100 full-text periodicals and newspapers, primary sources, creative works, and multimedia, including video and audio clips and podcasts.An academic search engine that quickly finds websites organized according to readability level and age-appropriateness.
Last Modified on December 3, 2017