•  Read and Feed at the Northside Library!

    Mrs. Lahr
    Read and Feeds are used by many Northside teachers as a culminating activity after studying a novel.  Features of Read and Feeds include snacks that pertain to the novel, trivia games based on the reading and fun activities to reinforce learning.  Below is an outline of a Read and Feed that the Tyro team participates in each year.
    Blizzard's Wake by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
    Blizzard's Wake 
    Food - Students each eat an Icee pop, Grape Nehi soda and animal crackers.  The icee pop signifies the cold weather of the blizzard.  The Grape Nehi represents the grape soda in the book.  The animal crackers remind students that the setting is on a farm.
    Blizzard's Wake Trivia Game - Two students are chosen from opposite sides of the room.  Students begin at the start, roll the die, answer the question and move ahead as a human pawn.
    Blizzard Trivia
    Lace-Your-Snow-Boots Relay - Four students participate at a time in a relay race that involves putting on snow boots and a coat, racing to the other side of the room, and finally unlacing the boots and removing the coat before the next team member competes.
    Lace Your Boots
    That Slippery Snowball - With hands behind their back and a toothpick in their mouth, students attempt to remove a marshmallow from a bowl of water onto the tablecloth.  First one to get three out, wins.
    Slippery Snowball
    Doc Sterling's Anatomy Activity - Using two clear, plastic men per team, students identify as many organs as possible on their study guide.
    Organ Identification
Last Modified on August 3, 2014