• The 1950's

    Theatre at Columbus High School was alive an well in the 1950's.  Mildred A. Murray led the Thespians, and other interested theatre kids in as many a four different productions a year.  Membership in the Thespian Society grew at such a dramatic rate during this decade that it couldn't be repeated for another forty years.  Unfortunately, few accurate records of the shows themselves remain of that time period.  Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
         The Thread That, Sensational Sixties:  Operation Moonglow/On Stage
         The Egg & I, Video Christmas, Christmas Burn, The Robe, Revolt of Mother
         Onions in the Stew
         no records exist
         A Little Honey, Ghost in the House
         The Wonder Hat, And So They Came to Bethlehem
         His First Shave, The Cradle of Glory
         Cheaper by the Dozen, Bells on their Toes, Noble David, The Perfect Carol
         Too Much Love, Living Constitution, This Strange Night, The Christmas
         Pearl, The Little Dog Laughed
    1950- 1951
         Our Miss Brooks, Sugar & Spice, The Star in the Window, Green Valley,
         Tomorrow is Easter
         The Barretts of Wimpole Street, The Howl of the Wolf
    Visit other North Drama Eras
    The 2000's          The 1990's          The 1980's         The 1970's         The 1960's
    The 1950's          The 1940's           The 1930's          The 1920's and Earlier

    We have incomplete information for some of these years and shows.  If you know anything about what shows were performed or who was involved, or even pictures, programs or posters that we could borrow and scan onto the website,
    The Star in the WindowSugar and SpiceOur Miss BrooksCrew for Cradle of GlorySetting up for Little Dog LaughedThis Strange Night
Last Modified on August 25, 2009