• The 1930's

    The 1930's was a turbulent time for the Columbus High School Dramatic Club.  They went through several different sponsors, first moving on from the founder of the club, Carrie Ong, in 1934.  Marjorie Lewis became the sponsor in 1934, and then in 1937, Mildred A. Murray became the sponsor, a position she would hold 30 years.
    Of note:  Ong continued to teach in the building after giving up the sponsorship. She even directed several of the senior plays.
    In the spring of 1938, Murray registered 16 students as charter members of the National Thespian Society, Troupe #57.  While not the first troupe in the State of Indiana, it is the longest continuously active troupe in the state. 
    This honorary stood with the Dramatic Club, but as a seperate and special honorary.  To be a member of the dramatic club, you had to be at least a sophomore, maintain a "G" average in grades, and be approved by the club.  The Thespian Society was reserved for those who were committed and excelled in theatre, above and beyond the standard Dramatic Club member. 
         Swanee Smiles, Elizabeth's Young Man, The Sword Divides, Taps, By
         Special Request, Seeing Double, Moonset, The Cornhusk Doll
         Thanksgiving Day Adventures, Feast of Laughs, An Old Spanish Custom,
         Wings of Darkness, Early to Bed, Hamlet, Dixie Doodle
         The Lost Ring, The Tree, Land of Cotton
         No records exist
         No records exist
         No records exist
         Backstage, Romance Hunters, One Gift Above Another, That's What They
         All Want
         Her Husband's Wife, In the Light of the Moon, The Lost Letter, Nora's
         Mixup, A Christmas Chime, Hooks and Crooks, Rose Shaded Lamp
         The Jade Necklace, The Nine Who Were Mother, Mr. Wright Gets in Wrong,
         For Love and Honor, Cinderella O'Reilly  
         Smith's Christmas Party, Here Comes Patricia, They Went to the Game,
         Salome, Oh, Doctor!, Polly's Hero
         Creepy Crest, Little Brother Sherlock, Our Aunt from California, Betty
         Engaged, Polly's Hero, Achievement,  Music Then and Now
    Visit other North Drama Eras
    The 2000's          The 1990's          The 1980's         The 1970's         The 1960's
    The 1950's          The 1940's           The 1930's          The 1920's and Earlier

    We have incomplete information for some of these years and shows.  If you know anything about what shows were performed or who was involved, or even pictures, programs or posters that we could borrow and scan onto the website,
    Dramatic Club 1925-1926Dramatic Club 1933-1934Dramatic Club 1937=1938
Last Modified on August 25, 2009